
domenica 30 settembre 2012

Legor 2 Mobile - Level 1-15 walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo

Legor 2 Mobile - Level 1-15 walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo
Exclusively for! Cell phone version of popular puzzle game Legor 2 is here! Can you pass all 15 levels? Press and drag the shape to move it, press on the part of the shape with the black arrow to rotate it! Fill all the empty slots!


Football Champions - Deusx game walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo

Football Champions - Deusx game walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo
It is very simple to play this extremely addictive game, Football champions. All you need is a mouse in order to position your player into the right area to get the perfect angle in order to score on the way to your high score. Click above the player for an awesome bounce shot, near the waist for a low trajectory and below the feet of your player for a lofted effort.


Penalty Tiri In Porta - My Football Games walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo

Penalty Tiri In Porta - My Football Games walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo
Vi tremano le gambe quando vi accingete a tirare un rigore? Iniziate un allenamento specifico per calciare bene dal dischetto con Penalty! Level 1-5
Tirate dritti sotto la traversa oppure fate un cucchiaio per superare in pallonetto gli oggetti e gli avversari che si trovano davanti la linea di porta. Potete personalizzare il vostro giocatore con i premi bonus che riuscite a sbloccare durante la partita.


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Happy Wheels - Happy Green Hills Commentary italiano (Episodio 3)

venerdì 28 settembre 2012

Test Drive 3D - Click Jogos Gameplay by Magicolo

Lancelost - Level 31-40 walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo

Lancelost - Level 21-30 walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo

Cartoon Cup - Cartoon Network Gameplay by Magicolo

Happy Wheels - Prehistoric Pilgrim Commentary italiano (Episodio 2)

Dave Fearless is Stuntdriver - Addicting Games walkthrough Gameplay by M...

Dave Fearless is Stuntdriver - Addicting Games walkthrough Gameplay by M...

100% Complete - Nolan Labs walkthrough Gameplay by Magicolo